Anti-Charlie Hebdo protest in London
September 21, 2012
A hundred people linked to the preacher Anjem Choudary demonstrate this September 21, 2012 in front of the French embassy
in London to denounce the publication of the Muhammad cartoons in Charlie Hebdo.
Mohammed on the cover of Charlie Hebdo is "an act of war", according to radical preacher Anjem Choudary.
And he warns, “there will be repercussions.” Ridiculing the prophet of Islam is an extremely serious act. ”
"It's not just a drawing. It's insulting, ridiculous and provocative," he continues. "There will be repercussions!"
And there have been!
The attack on Charlie Hebdo will take place later. It's is an Islamist terrorist attack on the satirical newspaper
Charlie Hebdo, January 7, 2015 in Paris, the day of the release of number 1 177 of the weekly.
It is the first and the deadliest of the three attacks of January 2015 in France.
According to him, if the cartoonists were judged according to Sharia (Islamic law), they would be sentenced to death!
Pakistani-born Anjem Choudary, who became the UK's best-known preacher, was sentenced to ten years of
prison in 2016 for supporting the Islamic State organization, Al Quaida. He admires bin Laden "the magnificent" as he says and has
called on British Muslims on Youtube to leave for Syria.
In London, many Muslims from Pakistan or Bangladesh live in isolation and practice an Islam from another age: Application of Sharia law to civilians, Port of the Burqa, Koranic schools, Islamic courts, Islamic finances ...
In thirty years, an identity separatism has flourished in cities like Manchester or Birmingham but also in neighborhoods
like Tower Hamlets in East Greater London.
Lizzie SADIN

Une centaine de personnes manifestent devant l'ambassade de France à Londres pour dénoncer la publication des caricatures de Mahomet dans Charlie Hebdo.

Women4Shariah, femmes liées au mouvement islamiste radical "Muslims against Crusades", prônent elles aussi ouvertement l’islamisation du pays et fixent même une échéance : 2040 !